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Kingdom Kids Honduras
In 1986, the Good Samaritan School (GSS) opened in a modest building used with Predisan, a medical mission ministry in Catacamas. The school continues to own the original location but now is in a fantastic debt-free facility. The school aims to reach the underserved children and families in Catacamas with a quality education with Christ at the center.
Misión Para Cristo was approached in August of 2017 by the Metro church, inquiring if we would consider taking over the responsibility of GSS. There were 396 students with less than 100 sponsors. It was not feasible for the school to stay open on paper, but we knew the lives of 396 children and their families depended on it in our hearts. After many prayers, visit to GSS, MPC decided to partner with the school. GSS was needed to continue to provide the quality education it was known to provide. The mission already had a sponsorship program, Kingdom Kids – For Kids, For Kingdom, For Eternity serving over 500 children and families in Nicaragua. The excellent school facilities, quality teachers, staff, and excellent leadership from the Director and Administrator, Tonita and Karina. Additionally, the school has an outstanding Honduran Board of Directors that provides constant guidance made a difficult decision easy.
The school has the capacity to educate 640 children Pre-K, Kindergarten, and grades one through six. In 2018, we were able to reopen the Pre-K and Kindergarten. Our dream, with your help, is to be able for the school to operate at full capacity of 640 students.
The school maintains its original name, The School of the Good Samaritan, but is now part of Kingdom Kids-MPC as Kingdom Kids – Honduras-The Good Samaritan School.
We are thankful for all who have had a part in the history of this great school. Our prayer is to be true to the heritage and purpose of those that started the school in 1986.
Misión Para Cristo (Mission for Christ) is a non-profit, international development mission and has been a registered non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Jinotega (Northern) region of Nicaragua since 1997. And is registered in Texas as a non-profit incorporated organization. We operate under the oversight of the Grapevine Church in Grapevine, Texas.
Any questions you have, contact Donna Baker, Sponsor Coordinator for Kingdom Kids, donna@misionaracristo.com
Not only are all donations tax deductible, each dollar makes a difference in the life of a child!