Casa Materna

Casa Materna is a program created over 40 years ago by the government of Nicaragua to provide medical care for expectant mothers with "at risk" pregnancies. Most of these women live in remote areas of Nicaragua with limited or no healthcare. They may travel from 1 hour to several days to reach the closest Casa Materna where they stay until delivering their babies in the safety of a hospital or health center in that
same community.
Mision Para Cristo works hand in hand with the government to serve the Casa Maternas. The mission has been serving the Casa Materna here in Jinotega for 10 years touching the lives of over 1800 women. The mission's ministry is designed to teach these women about basic healthcare for themselves, their newborn and their family and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. When each woman arrives she is given a baby bag consisting of a Bible, diapers (cloth and disposable),a blanket, baby wash and lotion, wipes, a onsie, and socks as well as other things the mom will need for the first few days of the baby's life. We also enjoy working with the women in making craft projects such as a quilt, baby hats, and bracelets. All the crafts are made with materials and items that have been donated by women from across the US.
In Jinotega every Thursday afternoon the women of the church visit the Casa Materna and conduct a devotional. Since the women who come to Casa Materna are from different communities, their name is sent to the preacher in that area in order to maintain contact and provide support. At this time we are working with 5 Casa Maternas located in communities of Jinotega,Yali, La Concordia, San Ramon and just recently we started working in Wiwili. Our goal is to have the ladies of the church in each of these areas develop a ministry of service to expectant mothers at the Casa Materna in their community.
One of the ladies supporting Casa Materna has a contact with Gerber and has registered us as a charity with the company. This has made the mission eligible to receive many of the items for the baby bags at no cost. We also have another woman who has her Dorcus sewing group cut out squares for the quilts the women make while they are at the Casa Materna. Every group that comes brings materials and items that enable the church ladies to continue to serve the mothers at the Casa Maternas. It is almost like Christmas to me when a group arrives! Everything you send or bring is such a blessing.
Mision Para Cristo has recently expanded its service to the Casa Maternas. Along with Texas Tech University Medical School we are distributing pre-natal vitamins to girls and women ages 12-40. On the premise that a healthier mom makes for healthier babies and their families. Additionally, we have started a ministrythat is a self sustainable program where women learn to make jewelry to supplement their family income.
Praise God for the women who are willing and able share with those who have so little.