September - October - 2016

The start of the mission in Nicaragua has several different dates that can be used. March 26, 1997, is when we first meet Mario Roque in Ola, AR and the statement was made, “Let’s open a medical clinic for the outreach of the Church.” Grand Opening of that clinic was Saturday, October 25, 1997, and clinic opened for patients October 27, 1997. Whether we take the March date or the October date we have the blessing of being into our 20th year of working in Nicaragua with the objective of sharing Jesus as we serve people. None of this would have been or continue to be possible without God’s blessings of your support, encouragement, and prayers.
Labor Day weekend we were at SonQuest in Orlando, Fl. Their annual youth weekend, our second year to have a display for the mission. We were able in September to have a display at Harding Lectureship and hosted for the fifth year a breakfast with Baxter Institute and Health Talents.

Not sure this is a highlight but Donna had to have two surgical procedures, one the second week of September and again the second week of October. She continues to improve. We are thankful for the care of good doctors (especially Dr. Larry and Dr. Chad) and for the staff at Baylor Trophy Club and thankful for your prayers.
Each year we have the privilege of helping host the Encuentro of Predicadores de Nicaragua. This year there were over 350 preachers and their wives attending the conference at the Las Mercedes Hotel in Managua. Dr. Bill Richardson from Harding University was the speaker. We support this as part of our Aaron and Ur Ministry to encourage and support those that serve the church.

At the Harding Lectureship Donna and I received Harding’s Distinguish Service Award for our 19 years of ministry in Nicaragua and 42 years in ministry. We were honored to receive this award; HOWEVER, it was a greater honor to acknowledge that we received this award that honors our great staff we have in Nicaragua and God’s blessings of your partnership.
We had the blessing of having a Medical Team from Medical Mercy come to Nicaragua in October. Medical Mercy works with One Child Matters in serving children medically. Three days they served OCM children and families in Jinotega, Apanas and Yali. On Thursday and Friday, they did general mobile clinics. A great group serving 811 for the week.

We continue the effort of securing I-pad, e-readers, etc., for our schools and Child Development Centers. Our goal is to secure 330 to help give the children the opportunity to see the world through books. In September, we received a grant from the Kiwanis Club in Abilene to help cover the cost of any fee-based downloads. A special thanks to Gordon Dowell who made this contact available.

A Very Special Announcement About ONE CHILD MATTERS.
For those with sponsored children in Nicaragua. The first of November, you will be receiving a letter from One Child Matters announcing some very important changes. Starting January 1, 2017, the mission will be taking full responsibility and there will be a name change. The letter will be announcing the changes but there is nothing you need to do in response. EVERYTHING WITH YOUR CHILD STAYS THE SAME. Soon after you receive the letter from OCM you will receive communication from us to answer any questions that you might have. We have had a great blessing in working with OCM for the last three and half years and thankful to them for the foundation they have given us for the Child Development Centers in Jinotega, Apanas, Yali and for us to look to the future. Please keep this transition in your prayers. The biggest announcement for October was from the Holland family and the completion of the adoption of their son, Alajenadro.

The List:
- Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Holland’s adoption of Alejandro.
- Please continue to keep Donna’s healing in your prayers.
- Please keep in your prayers all the North American serving in Nicaragua: Browns, Hennigers, Colette, Hollands and the Bakers.
- Please keep in our prayers the transition from One Child Matters, be watching for all the details and the new name…coming soon.
- Group dates for 2017. If you are looking to come to Nicaragua next year, let us know because some dates are already full.
- Intern Application. There is new Intern Application on our website …, that can be filled out on-line a submitted.
- Please prayer that all our “Smiles” can arrive by December 1n5th or sooner.
- We would ask your prayerful consideration of support in these areas:
- Institute of Preparation of Workers…in 2017 we are needing additional $650 a month to continue to serve the seven different locations. None of our teachers receive any salary for their efforts, the funds are just needed for the expense involved with each location.
- Concerning sponsoring a child next year…$39.00. Would make a good Christmas present.
- Develop a group and come to Nicaragua in 2017.
- I-pads, e-readers, etc.…as you have upgraded to the newest version allow us to take your old one and put books on it for our schools and Children Development Centers.
- Help us with cost of container of soup…$8,000 would help provide over 280,000 servings.
- Contact us today on a current list of other specific ways you can support the mission and church in Nicaragua.
Contribution to the mission can be sent to Misión para Cristo, c/o Grapevine Church of Christ, 525 N. Park Blvd, Grapevine, TX 76051, or through our website using PayPal…